Safe Ride Application Kit | Safe Ride Bicycle Lane Application Kit | Safe Ride Drag Box | Safe Ride Brush Box
This unique drag box assembly provides a fast, simple and easy method for applying Safe Ride bike lane paint. Pails of Safe Ride are poured into the brush box assembly as it is being pulled backward. The result is a fast, efficient method for applying Safe Ride on both big and small jobs. No pumps, clogging spray tips, or overspray on curbs, concrete, asphalt and cars.

Brush Box Frame with Brushes

Brush Box Handle & Brush Transfer Slide
Safe Ride Application Kit
The Kit Includes:
- 24″, 36″, 48″ and 60″ brush box frames with brushes
- Water boxes
- Weights
- Handle that fits all brush box frame sizes
- Two flexible plastic brush trasfer slides (allows you to cross intersections with no drips).
Optional Accessories:
- Replacement Brush for 24″ Box
- Replacement Brush for 36″ Box
- Replacement Brush for 48″ Box
- Replacement Brush for 60″ Box
- Hand Held Edging / Touch Up Brush
- 24″ Complete Wood Applicator Brush (brush holder, 6ft wood tapered handle, and 24″ brush)
- Drill Paddle Mixer – 8.5″ x 5″ paddle, 30″ height
- Flexible Plastic Brush Transfer Slide
- Heavy Duty Tape Gun
- Bicycle Lane Stencil 48″ height