Frequently Asked Questions
How to Fix a Pothole

Using Cold-Patch Materials to Fix Potholes
Cold-patch such as PatchMaster is typically the most common material used for filling potholes. Cold-patch is easy to use, economical and provides durable, lasting repairs.

Steps to Repairing Potholes with Cold-Patch
Step 1 – Clean pothole. Remove large loose rocks and other debris
Step 2 – Pour and spread cold-patch material into pothole. Pour to a level approximately ½” above surface to allow for compaction
Step 3 – Compact material with hand tamper, car tires or another suitable compaction method that provides an even, level compacted surface.

Repairing Potholes with Water Activation Cold-Patch
AQUASET is a new water-activated pothole cold-patch technology that features rapid set permanent pothole repair. This new technology is rapidly gaining in popularity among road maintenance crews as well as property owners due to highly successful results with the material.
Potholes can also be filled using hot mix materials. The same procedures would be followed as outlined above.
Steps to Repairing Potholes with Water-Activated Cold-Patch
Step 1 – Clean pothole. Remove large rocks and other debris
Step 2 – Pour and spread cold-patch material into pothole. Pour to a level approximately ½” above surface to allow for compaction
Step 3 – Prior to compacting material, spread a liberal amount of water over patch material. Allow to penetrate and soak into material. Water will activate the rapid curing mechanism within the patch material.
Step 4 – Compact material with hand tamper, car tires or another suitable compaction method that provides an even, level compacted surface.