SealMaster Safe Ride Bicycle Lane Coating represents a breakthrough in sustainable, high-performance, specialty coatings, offering unparalleled ease of use and durability. SealMaster is believed to be the only producer of a single-component, ready-to-use, skid-resistant pavement coating developed for bicycle lanes. SealMaster Safe Ride Bus Lane Red offers the same advantages for bus lane treatments.
Other liquid technologies, often referred to as bike or bus lane paint, include two- or three-component cold plastic, based on methyl methacrylate; or two- to three-component epoxy formulations. Achieving skid-resistance with those products requires adding a third component of crushed glass or aggregate during or after application.
SealMaster Safe Ride coatings are 100-percent acrylic, self-crosslinking polymer emulsions. These high-durability coatings are fortified with specifically graded aggregate to deliver a textured surface for slip-resistance and enhanced longevity.
Bright, green Safe Ride Bicycle Lane Coating complies with Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) requirements for night and daytime chromaticity ratings. High UV resistance ensures longevity of its high-visibility pigment. SealMaster recommends applying two to three coats for optimum durability and performance.
Safe Ride Bicycle Lane Application Kit Provides Ease of Installation
SealMaster also offers its newly developed Safe Ride Bicycle Lane Coating Application Kit, which includes brush box handles, weights, a frame with brushes, water boxes, and a transfer slide to accommodate intersection crossings and prevent drips. Watch this tutorial on how to install Safe Ride Bicycle Lane Coating with the Safe Ride Application Kit.
Communities are increasingly installing bicycle lanes for projects and programs funded by federal, regional, state, and local grant programs and initiatives, including those that lower emissions. As the global trend toward incorporating bike lanes into street design continues, Safe Ride stands as a testament to SealMaster’s commitment to sustainable and safe urban environments.
A windfall of federal funding for bicycle and traffic safety measures–to the tune of $5 billion per year through FY 2026—is going to communities implementing programs like Safe Streets for All (SS4A), Safe Routes to School (SRTS), Vision Zero, and Road Diet initiatives, among others, along with programs developed to incentivize lowering greenhouse cases.