SealMaster/Detroit Hosts 2013 Professional Development Seminar

Sep 2, 2014

March 27, 2013
Adoba Hotel – Dearborn, MI

Wednesday, March 27th
7:00 am Trade Show Opens
8:45 am – 12:30 pm Seminar Sessions
12:30 pm Lunch Door Prizes
1:45 pm Demonstrations (at SealMaster® Detroit)
3:00 pm Dismissal

Seminar Topics:
“¢ Small Business Management
“¢ Additives
“¢ Hot Pour Crack Sealants
“¢ Coal Tar/Asphalt Materials
“¢ Sport Surface Opportunities
“¢ Insurance

For Hotel Reservations:
Please call (313) 59-ADOBA and mention “SealMaster Seminar” to get the special group rate for the 2013 SealMaster Professional Development Seminar. Or go online at and at the top of the page, putting in the date of arrival, how many rooms and then putting in the group code SEAL under the IATA Code.

Please call your local SealMaster® Representative for more information: Mike Laser: (313) 779-8415 Tony Rutger: (313) 779-8417
*Product Demos will be available weather permitting.