SealMaster Acrylic Crack Filler
The Ultimate Crack Repair!
High Performance Elastomeric Acrylic Crack Filler designed for filling cracks and alligatored areas in pavement.
• High Solids
• Fast Drying
• Lasting Performance
Sizes Available
1 Gallon Jug
Approximately 75-150 linear feet of crack per gallon. Ultimate coverage will be dependant upon depth and width of cracks.
Mixing Procedures
Shake container to mix contents. Do not dilute. Use as is. Cut tip of spout to allow material to pour.
Fill cracks and squeegee material smooth with adjoining surface. Allow material to dry prior to opening to traffic.
Temperature must be a minimum of 50°F and rising and shall not drop below 50°F within 24 hours after application. Do not apply when rain is imminent or forecast within 24 hours.
Clean Up
Wash tools in water before material dries