Anchorage, AK
Call (907) 338-7325
Sealcoating Contractors Anchorage, AK | Parking Lot Maintenance | Asphalt Repair

SealMaster / Anchorage
The One-Stop-Source for Pavement Maintenance Products and Equipment
Pavement Maintenance Contractors save valuable time and money with everything under one roof including Parking Lot Sealer, Crack Filler, Asphalt Repair Products, Traffic Paints, Tennis Court Surfacing Products, Sealcoating and Crack Filling Equipment, tools, accessories and more.
Find a Sealcoating / Parking Lot Maintenance Contractor in Anchorage and Vicinity
Schedule your FREE Pavement Inspection and Estimate for Asphalt Sealcoating, Crack Filling, Asphalt Repair and Striping
Our nationwide network of highly trained and experienced pavement professionals are available to provide on-site project recommendations as well as full application services to assure quality results at competitive prices on every project.

Contact SealMaster Anchorage
Thanks for taking us up on our offer to find sealcoating contractors in Alaska to quote your job. We know who’s who and what type of work they do because they’re our customers. They do jobs of all sizes, from private driveways to parking lots, roads and airports, to … you name it. Most contractors specialize. Some focus on driveways and small to medium size parking lots. Others specialize in roads and very large jobs. We’ll put you in touch with the right one for you and your needs.
We’re also here to share a bit of information on how to best extend the service life of your pavement.
Alaska’s freeze/thaw cycles take a toll on pavement, so it’s important it receives protective treatment. In fact, as soon as one month after installation, if you want your pavement to stay in good condition as long as possible, have it sealcoated.

Sealcoating protects pavement from the elements and other stressors that wear it down, cause cracks, potholes and other defects. Long days of sunshine cause oxidation. Rain and melting snow literally “water down” pavement ever so gradually, taking the binder—or the “glue” that holds it together–with it as it drains off. Daily use causes wear, too. Some ice and snow melting chemicals cause damage. Snow plows can be harsh on pavement as well.
Cracks in pavement should be filled with a highly rubberized crack sealant to prevent water from draining down below pavement. They should also be repaired so they don’t grow. Did you know potholes start out as cracks? When water reaches the pavement’s substrate, it will cause the pavement to heave, and all that movement will break pavement apart to form a pothole. Those, of course, should be repaired with pothole patch.
A pavement contractor can evaluate your pavement’s exposure, use, and condition to recommend a pavement treatment plan to get it in the best possible shape. The contractor can also recommend a maintenance plan to preserve it and extend its service life. Be sure to schedule your work between May and August, otherwise, it won’t be warm enough to cure properly.
We’re happy to help you find the right contractor in Anchorage, Valdez-Cordova, Matanuska-Sustina, Denali, Fairbanks, Nome, Wade Hampton, Bethel, Dillingham, Juno or anywhere between.

Find a Sealcoating Contractor Near You
SealMaster has the industry’s largest network of pavement sealcoating professionals. Let us help you beautify, protect and preserve your parking lot, driveway or road.
For all other cities in Alaska, click here.
SealMaster Locations
2130 E. Dimond Blvd.
Anchorage, AK 99507
(907) 338-7325
Information Library
Knowledge is power. Learn all there is to know about pavement maintenance in our information library.
Simply click on a white paper below to learn more!

Liquid Road Bituminous Surface

SealMaster Sealcoating Products and Equipment

Pavement Preservation for Roads

How to Specify Sealcoating Projects

Acrylic Tennis and Basketball Courts

OptiPave Road Sealer

Liquid Road Surface Treatment for Roads

AsPen Sealer for Roads

Asphalt vs. Coal Tar Pavement Sealer

Spray vs. Squeegee Sealer Application

Pavement Maintenance Guide for Property Managers