Ready-to-Use Patching Material for Cracked & Alligatored Pavement
GatorPave is a trowelable patching material that is ideal for repairing alligatored areas in asphalt surfaces, as well as cracks in excess of 1/4″ wide.
Sizes Available
5 Gallon Pail, 55 Gallon Drum, Bulk
Coverage is dependent upon depth and width of cracks. Typically, one gallon of crack filling material will fill approximately 75-150 feet of cracks.
Mixing Procedures
Stir material. Use as is. DO NOT DILUTE.
Alligatored Areas: Apply by squeegee or trowel. Sand may be sprinkled over GatorPave to promote adhesion of pavement sealer.
Cracks: Fill cracks with trowel or U-shaped squeegee.
GatorPave shall not be applied when temperature is expected to drop below 50°F at any time within a 24 hour period after application. Be sure to wear eye protection.
Clean Up
Wash tools in water before material dries.